Zappone Chrysler Jeep Dodge - Granville

Jun 7, 2023
 Summer is just heating up here in Upstate New York and that means you’re probably gearing up to hit the road for a road trip with the family! But what are you going to do to pass the time? Don’t stress – we have that one checked off on your list! Take a look at these family-friendly games listed out below that will surely get everyone in the car involved and keep them from asking, “are we there yet?” Take a look and if you’re ready to upgrade your ride before hitting the road – you know exactly where to find us! 
  • License Plate Map

Grab a clipboard, a color-less printed out copy of the U.S. map, and some crayons! When you see a license plate from a certain state, color it in! This will keep kids occupied for hours as they race to be the first one to get all 50 states! 

  • Spot The Car

This is a great game for older children who can differentiate the difference between vehicle models or brands. Instead of looking for different states like we did in the Licensee Plate Map game, you’re looking for different models. You can make a printable scavenger hunt list to check off when that model is found. The first one to check off all models wins! 

  • The Alphabet Race

An adult picks a letter from the alphabet and whoever spots that letter out the window first (billboard, cows, tires, for example) gets to go next! This one is truly endless and can help pass the time, especially if you’re traveling with small children who are learning to expand their minds! 

  • I Spy

Everyone knows this one! Start with saying “I spy with my little eye….” and give a clue as to what you are looking at. Everyone takes a turn guessing at what you could be seeing, the person who guesses correctly gets to start the next round. 

  • 20 Questions

Another popular and easy option! Someone in the car thinks of a specific object and other passengers take turns guessing what the person, place or thing might be and each question must be answered with a simple yes or no. After every answer, the questioner gets to take one guess at what the ‘thing’ might be. The passenger who guesses correctly wins and gets to start the next round!