Zappone Chrysler Jeep Dodge - Granville

Feb 1, 2022

Many people dream of slipping behind the wheel of a new CJDR vehicle, and if you’re ready to take those next steps and make your dream a reality, then the team here at Zappone CJDR in Granville is here for you! This week we want to help make your dream a reality, and the best place to start is by trading in your old ride for a new CJDR! But we have a couple of helpful tips for you below to help ensure you get top dollar for your trade-in! So take a peek below, now! Once you’ve completed the necessary steps, be sure to head over to our site to get your trade-in Offer! Hurry, our team is excited to help you find the perfect CJDR for you. 

Do some competitive research 

  • Like I said before it is important to be informed before heading to the dealership
  • Visit multiple websites and check the value of similar vehicles with the same mileage while monitoring e-commerce sites to follow your car model’s auction price
  • Print all the information you find 

Look for promotions

  • Offer on your trade-in can be affected by several factors, including current inventory and the likelihood the car will sell

Fix the dings 

  • You want to make the car look as new as possible and if that means spending a little money to get those dings on the exterior touched up it might be worth it if that means you’ll get more money back for your trade-in.

Stage your car

  • Just like selling your home, your vehicle should be as clean as you can get. Yes, dealers can tell if the vehicle’s performance is in good shape or not regardless of how clean it is but the better it looks could really go the extra mile when it comes to the offer price.

Have Receipts handy 

  • Keeping records and receipts. If so, when the day arrives to finally trade your vehicle, you can show the dealer receipts for all the purchases and repair work done on the car. If the dealer questions the condition of a certain engine part or area of the car, you can backup your side with 

Don’t Settle

  • Don’t agree to a deal if you don’t feel comfortable with it

Get Your Trade-In Offer Now: