Zappone Chrysler Jeep Dodge - Granville

Jul 6, 2023

Owning a vehicle can sometimes be a pain, especially when it comes to smells that you might not realize are clear indications that things are going wrong. This week, we are bringing you seven important smells that you’ll want to do something about. Take a look at our guide below and if something smells a little funky currently, hurry on in to see our team today and let’s get your vehicle in-check and ready to hit the road for your next summer road trip!

The Smell: Rotten eggs
The Diagnosis: Your catalytic converter may be having issues and hydrogen sulfide is making its way right into your exhaust. Either your fuel injection line is having an issue or your catalytic converter is failing. This can be a hefty repair so it’s important to have this checked out sooner rather than later.
The Smell: Burning Rubber
The Diagnosis: Oftentimes, the smell of burning rubber means that your drive belts are slipping or your hoses are loose and rubbing on other engine components. This is what creates that hot, burning smell. Once your engine is completely cooled off, take a look and if you need assistance, give our team a call!

The Smell: Sulfur

The Diagnosis: When you smell sulfur in your car all the time, you can assume that it’s gear lubricant leaking from the manual transmission, transfer case, or differential housing. There are sulfur compounds in the oil that serve as extreme-pressure lubricants for the gears in these parts, and after being in use for a few years this substance can get kind of gross. Oily puddles under your vehicle are a clear indication of something going wrong here so if you see this, bring your ride in and let our professionals fix it up! 

The Smell: Maple syrup

The Diagnosis: Coolant has ethylene glycol in it, which smells sweet but is most definitely toxic. If this is what you are smelling, that means there’s a leak somewhere in your vehicle and your best bet is to stop in to have this repaired. Oftentimes, this is a simple and rather inexpensive repair! 

The Smell: Burning carpet

The Diagnosis: The smell of burning carpet tends to mean that your brakes are overheating. And is most common if you have spent a lot of time behind the wheel for a road trip. But if you haven’t just completed a long road trip, it’s possible that you have seized your calipers or parking brake. So if this is what you’re smelling, stop in to see our team for a check-up!  

The Smell: Hot oil

The Diagnosis: If you’re smelling hot oil, it’s probably because your oil is leaking onto the exhaust manifold. The reason you can smell it is that your engine is obviously hot when your vehicle is running and it creates the rather noticeable smell. If you can, try to find the leak, stem it and bring your vehicle into the shop as soon as possible. But, NEVER work on a hot engine! 

The Smell: Gym locker room

The Diagnosis: Sometimes this could just be your gym back from your previous workout. But if not, it could mean that your A/C unit has a bit of mildew on it. This is caused by excess moisture. Replace your cabin filter and run your vehicle’s fan on high for a quick fix to this smell!