Zappone Chrysler Jeep Dodge - Granville

Oct 17, 2018
If you’re anything like me, you like to try to squeeze each and every drop of gasoline that you can out of your last fill-up. Now, while you think that this is good for your wallet, it is actually bad for it in the long run, as well as your gas tank. And, I am 100 percent positive that you have heard your parents say “don’t let your tank drop below a quarter,” at least one time. This week, I am telling you why you should listen to them and hopefully, you’ll stop squeezing each drop out of each fill-up.


Fuel Gauges Aren’t 100% Accurate

I said it – that number on your dash, that’s not always accurate. Depending on your driving habits, this number can fluctuate and in turn, leave you stranded on the side of the road if you like to run on the empty side. You should consider this an estimate, not an exact mileage to empty. Don’t put yourself at risk or in harm’s way when you suddenly stop in the middle of the roadway because you were too lazy to fill up!


You’re Wearing Out The Pump

Did you know that gasoline acts as a coolant for your vehicle’s electric fuel-pump motor, as well as your engine? No? Well, it’s true. That means your vehicle needs gasoline to keep cool and when you run low, your vehicle will begin to suck in air and won’t be getting the correct amount of fuel to keep cool. And that’s bad, duh! While sucking in air, this allows hot air to get into your system and will eventually wear out your pump. In short, this repair is costly and 100% preventable.


Sediment Implications Are REAL

Each time you fill up your tank, the sediments in the gasoline settle to the bottom of your tank. Gross, I know! When you run low on fuel, those sediments get stirred up into your gasoline and are sucked up into your tank. This dirty mixture can end up in either your fuel line or your engine which will cause big, big problems down the road.


Long story short, fill up your gas tank and don’t even think about letting your vehicle’s tank dip below a quarter. Trust us, it will only benefit you in the long run!