Zappone Chrysler Jeep Dodge - Granville

Jan 26, 2018


If you suffer from blind spots in your vehicle, then there are a couple of very easy solutions for you to get rid of those blind spots and continue to drive safely. One does involve a little aftermarket modification, and the other requires a little bit of patience. Check them out below!

The first solution is to simply get two small convex mirrors to attach to the outer corners of your vehicle’s wing mirrors. Make sure your mirrors are clean before you stick the little ones on, and then once you’ve stuck them on make sure they’re attached tightly so that they don’t fall off when you least expect it.

The second strategy is to adjust the mirrors you already have:

Adjust your rearview mirror to give you a view directly to the rear. Make it so that it best covers your rear window view. Don’t tilt it to get side views – just straight back through your window.

Lean your head until it almost touches your driver’s side window. Adjust your left side mirror so you can just barely see the side of your car – no more.

Lean your head to the passenger side as far as you can comfortably while still sitting up and adjust the right mirror so you can barely see the right side of your car.

You shouldn’t be able to see the side of your car when your head is all the way upright!


Try these out (well, try one out at least) and let us know how it helped!